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Top > Understanding the  chord changes for Miles Davis' Four > What are the moves? > Why does Abmi7-Db7-Gmi7 work? Two reasons. First, three notes of Db7 slide easily up or down into pitches of Gmi7 while the fourth is left alone.
 The gory details
 The spelling of Db7 is Db, F, Ab, Cb. The spelling of Gmi7 is G, Bb, D, F. In Db7 the Db slides up a half step to D in Gmi7, the F is left unchanged, the Ab slides down a half step to G, and the Cb slides a half step down to Bb.
Editor: David Luebbert; Updated: 9/4/06; 303 hits.

Last update: Friday, November 10, 2000 at 12:50 PM.