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Author David Luebbert
Posted 1/21/06; 1:58:02 PM
Msg# 4695 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next 4694/4696
Reads 1840

Question for the day

If particular completely arranged tunes  of SongTrellis quality (including the melody) in MIDI format that were individually chosen by you and were available for purchase in batches of 10 and  sold for $2.50, would that seem like a good deal?  Inquiring minds, Dave Luebbert among them, would like to know.

For background see this and this.

Another Harmony Project

Alan Williams posted a I6-VI-ii-V-I-vimi7(b5)-ii-V7(b9)-I6 exercise as his second Harmony Project. The first was a way station on the way to this longer arrangement. More hope that the Chord Entry stuff is usable.

I enjoy the heck out of the Workscore Composer when I use it myself. I have eight new things saved away that I need to post so you can see.  However, there's not a lot of evidence yet that others can use it. I'm intensely curious to see how this will eventually work out for SongTrellis folks.

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Last update: Saturday, January 21, 2006 at 3:05 PM.