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Author David Luebbert
Posted 12/13/07; 11:34:59 AM
Topic Bass Clef- how to?
Msg# 5371 (in response to 5370)
Prev/Next 5370/5372
Reads 692

Tim, could you tell me which music you are trying to get displayed in the bass clef?

If this is a question about the Workscore Composer page, if a note you've entered is in the wrong octave, you can press the "Down" button after the "Tranpose last note an octave" label. Every time you press it, the last note of your melody will be transposed an octave lower. Do enough octave tranpositions and your note will be notated using the bass clef.

If you have notes in the bass clef that you want played in the treble clef, do "Tranpose last note an octave Up" instead.

If you know that a note needs to be entered into a different octave range, you can also use the "Enter notes on pitches" typein control. You can type a list of note names into this field. If you want them to be placed in different octaves, you enter a comma delimited octave number in front of the note name.

To enter a C in octave 5, a D in octave 3, a Db in octave 2, and an Ab in octave 4, I would type "5,c,3,d,2,db,4,ab" into the typein field and then press the Enter button.

When you enter new notes in the score, all of the note entry operators pay attention to the octave range where the last note resides. The Next Chord Tone and Next Scale Tone controls calculate the staff position of the new note from the position of the last entered note.

The Enter notes by interval distance control measures the interval to be applied from the location of the last note. The "Enter next note on scale" operator enters that note in the same octave as the note in front of the insertion point.

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Last update: Thursday, December 13, 2007 at 11:43 AM.