SongTrellis |
Lore for best use of the Play Rhythm page Box notation for Rhythm: Performance tempo: beats per minute Play click track Animate Rhythm include TaKeTiNa rhythm translation include Olatunji syllables include hit syllables include sheet music translation The beat notation equivalent to this count pattern is: 100100000000-000000100000-000000001000-000000000000-100000001000-000000100000-100000000100-000100000100 Skeleton Count for this Rhythm: 8[3+15+14+16+8+10+6+9+6+6+3] Play The CountBeat: Subdivision: Beatword # syllables:
In notation boxes: Sound this part Perform rhythm loop using: Jazz Plug-in QuickTime Plug-in MIDI Out: Repetitions to generate: This rhythm is not listed in the Rhythm Web yet. Do you like it enough to recommend it? Can you hear a way to make it better?   |
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